Retail Media

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Infiniti's feature-length ad

Infiniti's New 30-Minute Ad Is Not An Infomercial, says Infiniti, at least. It's a design piece with philosophical thought from leading African-American creative talents that ends with a focuts on its automobiles. What made this interesting: the program ran on BET twice during Black History Month, and the program will receive follow-up advertising support in March.

Somehow, BET found it appropriate not to label the piece as paid programming, even though it is. The fact that it's not a "hard sell" allowed the automaker to get away with a half-hour of advertorial that does not alert the viewer to its nature. Expect to see more permutations of this if Infiniti sees positive results.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Starbucks in print

Starbucks--no stranger to media, with its burgeoning music business--has teamed up with Yahoo to create a dating guide to be distributed in stores. The "Espresso Dating Guide" is available on Yahoo's personals site and is filled with handy advice for (surprise!) a date at a Starbucks.